
The Language Understanding and Knowledge Acquisition (LUKA) Lab is directed by Dr. Muhao Chen. Our research focuses on robust and accountable machine learning methods for natural language processing and multi-modal data processing. Most recently, we have been focusing on robustness and security problems with large language models and large vision-language models. Our long-term goal is to develop robust, generalizable and trustworthy learning systems that help machines understand nature.

Recent News

Sept 21, 2024

EMNLP 2024


We will present 5 long papers at EMNLP 2024 (incl. 3 main and 2 findings). See you in Vice City (wrong)!

March 13, 2024

NAACL 2024


We will present 10 long papers at NAACL 2024 (incl. 7 main and 3 findings). See you in Mexico City!

Dec 10, 2023

Outstanding Paper


Congratulations to James for winning the Outstanding Paper Award at EMNLP 2023!

Oct 7, 2023

EMNLP 2023


We will present 9 papers at EMNLP 2023 (incl. 4 main and 5 findings), as well as 1 paper at CoNLL 2023.

Oct 01, 2023

Upcoming Tutorials at NAACL and EMNLP


We will give a tutorial on "Combating Security and Privacy Issues in the Era of Large Language Models" at NAACL 2024 and another tutorial on "Enhancing LLM Capabilities Beyond Scaling Up" at EMNLP 2024.

Sept 8, 2023

Amazon Research Award


We are delighted to receive the Amazon Research Award on Generative AI.

Sept 1, 2023



We have received the NSF Proto-OKN grant that will support our research on knowledge acquisition.

May 02, 2023

ACL 2023


We have 7 papers accepted to ACL 2023. Congratulations to all the authors, especially to Tanay and Shudi who are undergraduate lead-authors to two of those.

May 01, 2023

Dissertation Defense


Congratulations to our first two PhD graduates, Ehsan and Wenxuan, for passing their dissertation defense.

Feb 03, 2023

Upcoming Tutorial at ACL


We will give a tutorial about "Indirectly Supervised Natural Language Processing" at ACL 2023.

Dec 20, 2022

Amazon Research Award


We are delighted to receive the Amazon Research Award on Responsible AI.

Oct 6, 2022

EMNLP 2022


We have 6 long papers accepted to EMNLP 2022. (Also check out our recent AACL papers)

June 14, 2022

Cisco Award


We have received a Cisco Faculty Award to support our research on robust knowledge extraction.)

April 7, 2022

NAACL 2022


We will present 7 long papers at NAACL 2022 (incl. 4 main, 2 findings and 1 TACL). See you in Seattle. (Also check out our recent ACL and ICLR papers)

Jan 27, 2022

Upcoming TACL Paper


We have a new paper on indirect supervision accepted to TACL. Congratulations to the great work by our undergraduate scholar Bangzheng.

Dec 15, 2021

Upcoming Tutorial at NAACL


We will give a tutorial about "New Frontiers in Information Extraction" at NAACL 2022.

Aug 8, 2021

Upcoming EMNLP Papers


We have 6 long papers accepted to EMNLP 2021. Also check out our new ACL papers.

July 14, 2021



We have received the NSF CRII Award that will support our research on transferable representation learning.

June 30, 2021

Hello RPG World!


Our group website is online.